what is a marginable? is it to borrow money or something? my amertrade account says i have 4 bucks in my marginable account?
it wont let me buy pinks or otc?
i have 750 in funds but what about my marginable?
cody,greg,vegas or doc help a asian brotha out.
It sounds like you violated the trading rule ...In and out to many times on a stock in a week...Call the broker and ask what the deal is.. If the 750 was captured as part of the margin, it would show in Margin...
OBTW you need $25K for a margin account to become a frequent day trader, if it goes below 25K, you can only sell what you have until the account is brought back to 25K...
But it does sound like some trading restriction has been placed on your account..
Call the Broker's help desk..