In the end, folks, it's a form of gambling. You are not going to win every hand every time. While the odds are a bit more on our side if you have done your homework than in a casino, it's still a risk. Bad decisions can lose you thousands and good ones can make you even more. Take the time to learn more about this, study up on the trends and learn from doc, don't be clones and only invest in what he invests in, he's here teaching everyone how to make money and that shouldn't just stop on his advice alone. Take his advice and learn from his techniques and look at other stocks out there. How do you think he finds his stocks?? by searching around and doing his homework on each one. Do the same and you may be telling us all how to make money in the future.
Another key thing to remember is that you have an impact on each and every stock your in. It's not like our voting system when a canidate may win the popular vote but not win the election, if you sell your stock and people around you are selling the same stock, that stock is going to go down... so think about your trades when you do them, every time you sell off 500,000 shares, your telling someone else to sell off theirs. If you saw your stock plummeting cause people were selling, well you would sell too. Now if you had enough foresight to not sell and hold, you may have just prevented 5 other people from selling and so forth. it's a domino effect people. You buy, more people are going to buy, some will sell but alot will hold. play this game cold as doc has said before. It's the only way to make money.