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Author Topic: App?  (Read 58333 times)

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February 11, 2012, 04:23:36 PM
Read 58333 times


Ever think of Iphone/Android app development for the forum? (Selfishly would love to see android). Not a huge tech guy, but I think a forum app is relatively easy. Could increase your advertising income (not that I imagine you are TOO concerned about that) and add value for your customers.

May not be worth your time, but just wondering...

February 11, 2012, 05:48:30 PM
Reply #1

Dr PennyStock

Ever think of Iphone/Android app development for the forum? (Selfishly would love to see android). Not a huge tech guy, but I think a forum app is relatively easy. Could increase your advertising income (not that I imagine you are TOO concerned about that) and add value for your customers.

May not be worth your time, but just wondering...

What kind of app? The forum can be seen on cell phones, I don't understand what you mean by app in this case? Could you please say in detail what you mean?
Dr PennyStock

February 11, 2012, 06:03:29 PM
Reply #2


An Iphone/Android app would allow a smooth user interface and no need to view the forum on a phone via webpages which becomes a little cumbersome (in my opinion--however not impossible). The "other" site you post on often has a very nice android app which allows one to go to the board and navigate through posts smoothly.

Many forums are starting to use them now and I think they are very nice and helpful (I also have used one for android forum).

I did a quick websearch and this site offers the service:

I am a user and certainly not a developed, but I imagine with all of the users here (many of them following you on their phones at work) it could be worth looking into. If it is easy and could be handily monetized, could be well worth it.

Thinking a free version with ads (normal in the app world) or a cheapo paid version ($2.99 is a nice pricepoint I think).

Again, if you see it as too much of a hassle I totally understand, just pitching an idea.

What would others think? Input?
Anybody app knowledgeable enough to say how easy/hard it would be to create?

February 12, 2012, 07:33:25 AM
Reply #3

Dr PennyStock

Dasein, thanks for your response, I will look into it, I have only a question, how you will see the forum with the app, if it is not via webpages? Can you point me to some example, screenshot, web site, where I can see the difference?

Thank you. 
Dr PennyStock

February 12, 2012, 01:06:26 PM
Reply #4


Sure. Here is the one for the droid forum I use:

Again, no biggie if you and other community members don't think it would add much value (or revenue).

This type of app takes the forum from web forum and manipulates it for excellent device user interface. So, it does connect to the website, it just makes it much easier to view, respond, etc. from a phone or tablet.

February 12, 2012, 02:19:44 PM
Reply #5


I would be interested in this as well.  I check my phone quite frequently at work (on my breaks that is...) and this would help out! xD

February 12, 2012, 03:14:43 PM
Reply #6

Dr PennyStock

Dasein, thank you, I will look into it, don't know if it will be possible an APP that works on both, Iphone and Android, but, possibly it is impossible, if so, which one has more users?
Dr PennyStock

February 12, 2012, 04:46:31 PM
Reply #7


Iphone certainly has more users internationally. I am a android user. Could be an interesting poll somewhere to see what most of the users here utilize. Thanks for looking into it.

February 12, 2012, 05:00:06 PM
Reply #8

Dr PennyStock

Iphone certainly has more users internationally. I am a android user. Could be an interesting poll somewhere to see what most of the users here utilize. Thanks for looking into it.

I will look into my logs tomorrow, to see how many users use mobile access, and, the percentage of IOS and Android.
Dr PennyStock

February 12, 2012, 08:09:27 PM
Reply #9


Gold Member
I use iPhone, an app would be nice but I still think setting up a private Gold member Twitter account to tweet buy/sell recommendations so they can be received by text message is more valuable at this time. Just my 2 cents :)

February 12, 2012, 09:04:05 PM
Reply #10


I use iPhone, an app would be nice but I still think setting up a private Gold member Twitter account to tweet buy/sell recommendations so they can be received by text message is more valuable at this time. Just my 2 cents :)

Roag, this would be interesting and pretty easy. It would stay away from the iphone/android debate as well.

February 12, 2012, 09:15:36 PM
Reply #11


Gold Member
I use it for my sports handicapping business. I have 2 Twitter accounts - one for the general public and a private one for my clients to receive the plays I send out.  It works well.

February 12, 2012, 10:48:32 PM
Reply #12


An app can be handy due to print size.

February 13, 2012, 06:38:14 AM
Reply #13



If you go to SMF's website (maker of the forum software), you will find they have an app for android/Iphone... Just need to install it.  Sure would be nice feature to have - gets rough reading a 4" screen...

February 13, 2012, 08:54:26 AM
Reply #14

Dr PennyStock


If you go to SMF's website (maker of the forum software), you will find they have an app for android/Iphone... Just need to install it.  Sure would be nice feature to have - gets rough reading a 4" screen...

Many thanks, however, it is not to my forum version, I will need to install it manually later. 
Dr PennyStock