i asked this allready, but now im going to put it on this forum. these triplezero stocks have 300 or so million in volume a day meaning 300 million traded a day, with that in mind, why is it the price never goes up nor goes down. whats up with that?
ive traded stocks such as KWBT.ob , this stock allways lacks of volume of only 15 to 20 thousand traded a day, ive bought this twice just for the hell of it and ive put in 300 to 500 each time at .11 and ive never had a problem selling it, and ive made a gain twice.
my first investment i made 6 months ago was NTDOY.PK, (the Wii was hot and it still is,) only average of 400,000 in volume a day most of the time 150,000 in volume a day and i had no trouble selling it.
so guys what the hell are youll talking about when you say the less volume the harder it is to sell when ive sold KBWT twice with no trouble, and it took about 10 seconds to sell it, if there is no volume in this stock how come i traded quickly with it twice?
and dont say it was luck! i assure you i have no luck, i have an illness that affects one out of 10 million, you could say i have the worst luck in the world.