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Author Topic: Help reading sharpcharts?  (Read 15367 times)

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August 13, 2011, 06:55:47 PM
Read 15367 times


Just a quick question, mostly to see if I'm reading the following chart correct:

The price has broke both the PAR SAR and the MA50, wouldn't this normally indicate a good time to buy the stock?  It appears to be (weakly) supported at .07 and I'm having difficulty determining a resist, partially due to the volatility of the past week's data, and mostly due to my complete lack of experience in dealing with this sort of data.
I apologize for any and all typos.

August 13, 2011, 08:08:16 PM
Reply #1


that chart does not work. underneath the chart you are looking at there is a link that says linkable version. click that and the page will reload. then copy and paste the web address to the forum. you have to do that every time you want to copy and paste the chart, EX. for GHLV


proper way

August 13, 2011, 08:29:17 PM
Reply #2


I apologize for any and all typos.

August 13, 2011, 09:03:22 PM
Reply #3


IMO i like this chart

its important to have the adx showing as well.
IMO this is not a buy its a POS. the buy zone right now is a bit high. do not always base your opinion on the chart. do company research and past chart research as well.

start at the top

RSI-  is nearing the overbought zone, so like i said we missed the buy zone although you can still buy and still make a small profit, but also risky

Chart- past months show resistance at .02-.025 and .042-.045

Volume- HORRIBLE!! DR penny taught me to not trade any stock that trades under 1 million in volume. WAY to risky and scams. although it did trade millions in past months after this kind of volume. you want consistent volume

MACD- buy over sell is good and getting higher

ADX- -DI crossed the +DI which is really good, possible trend to follow, adx low but its the DI thats important

August 13, 2011, 09:10:14 PM
Reply #4


also Dr Penny Quote
"resisitances become supports, and supports become resisitances, NEVER forget this detail"

August 13, 2011, 09:47:05 PM
Reply #5


Thank you very much Seth!  I've been reading this website for a week now pretty religiously, and have been going through the glossary and guides at stock, and STILL have so much to learn!
I apologize for any and all typos.

August 13, 2011, 09:59:59 PM
Reply #6


yes, i have been doing this for 4-5 months. there is a lot to learn, but if you stay focused and ask questions it becomes clear and easy. and also just because you see red at times do not worry, patience is the winner in this game. your very welcome. Also i am not the expert. JACK, VEGAS, JOTUK, SOFTBALLDADDY and DR PENNY are my preferences.

August 14, 2011, 05:33:54 PM
Reply #7


Ok, next try:

Stock Price:  .38

RSI:  30.67, trending upwards
Charts:  Past Resistances at ~.46 (I ignored the resistances that were pre-50% drop in stock value for now), and supporting at ~.25
Volume:  1.8 million
MACD:  12 trending upwards and getting ready to cross the downward trending MACD 26
PAR SAR:  Below PAR SAR, which is at .41
ADX:  +DI is rising, and -DI is falling.  Not quite ready to cross yet.  ADX is strong with a value of 43.94
Additional Research:  Looks like something to watch.

Analysis of a new guy:

Looks like something to keep an eye on, but its not quite ready to jump on yet.  I'd probably look for the DI to cross, as well as the price to break the PAR SAR before jumping in and buying.  Past (pre-crash) supports were at ~.70 and ~.80, given the information above its not inconceivable that it might reach those levels in the coming month or so.

Better that time?  :)

PS:  I'm posting this in the T/A forums because thats all I'm trying to do at this juncture, learn the lingo, and learn what to watch for.  I'm still squatting on my money until I feel like I can enter the markets without immediately losing my shirt.

I apologize for any and all typos.

August 14, 2011, 10:02:50 PM
Reply #8


ok so in my opinion this is a buy right now. Remember that the RSI shows the buy/sell trend. 0-30 is the oversold zone which usually means a buy zone unless the stock is being diluted. 30-70 is average trade. 70+ is the overbought zone and gets dangerous and sell zone for us. also dont base volume on one day. I use Etrade and tells me the 10 day average. so right now it says 2,474,000. thats good. so the volume was a bit low friday, but the market is on a down trend. now the chart shows a lot of room to run. May be a slow stock though. we are not here to invest in penny stocks. were here to get are hands in the pot and take a little honey out and move on to the next pot. On the daily chart the MACD shows the buy turning over the sell as well as the ADX which is very good. The weekly chart which is the bigger picture still shows some sell pressure so this may still fall. now I feel this is a very good find. So what you need to do is search the symbol on the forum to see if this stock is already posted. I did and there is already one there. Now read through it to see whats been going on with this since its post. I read and there is no negatives. Now this is the time to comment on it and repost an updated chart and see if we can get DR PENNY or other top traders to get a better decision and opinion. GREAT FIND IMO.

August 14, 2011, 10:04:53 PM
Reply #9


also i use IHUB. that website may be a scam. never know

August 15, 2011, 10:04:26 AM
Reply #10

Dr PennyStock

As Seth said, the first chart is not good, because the average daily volume is too low.

The second chart may be a buy if it breaks the PAR SAR and the .405 resistance, notice that has also a resistance at .47, so I think that is a risky play. 
Dr PennyStock

August 15, 2011, 10:55:31 AM
Reply #11


As Seth said, the first chart is not good, because the average daily volume is too low.

The second chart may be a buy if it breaks the PAR SAR and the .405 resistance, notice that has also a resistance at .47, so I think that is a risky play. 

Price jumped .02 to .40 at open.  Broke PAR SAR of .31
I apologize for any and all typos.

August 15, 2011, 12:00:37 PM
Reply #12


missed a good buy zone if this is a legit stock, not seeing any news so possible P and D. including zack being all over it too on IHUB. the .02-.40 means nothing. those were after hour prices, and closed. it opened at .42. BUT as i look at the chart it looks really good. today will tell. and im sure DR PENNY will give another opinion

August 15, 2011, 05:23:34 PM
Reply #13

Dr PennyStock

As Seth said, the first chart is not good, because the average daily volume is too low.

The second chart may be a buy if it breaks the PAR SAR and the .405 resistance, notice that has also a resistance at .47, so I think that is a risky play. 

Price jumped .02 to .40 at open.  Broke PAR SAR of .31

Well, the close was still below the resistance, so this is not a breakout, let's see tomorrow.
Dr PennyStock

March 19, 2013, 06:27:47 PM
Reply #14


Want to verify that there was a gap on feb 17/18 around 1.62 that has not been filled? Am I reading that right please? Also do gaps always go back and fill... ie what goes up must come down inorder to reclimb with stability? Thanks for any input.