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Author Topic: Worst or Best Stock trades ever made!  (Read 6360 times)

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February 25, 2008, 10:29:45 AM
Read 6360 times


Hello, everyone.  Let's kick off the forums by sharing the best or worst trades we have ever made!  I know I've made a couple of really bad calls in my life, one of them quite recently too!

The one that is fresh in my mind is my last year's ride with BRLC.  Started with 2K shares at $8.24 and finally got out at $1.5.
Lesson learned, no matter how much you like a company or product, don't get attached to a stock!  Be willing to set a point on when to cut out and settle for a loss!

My greatest ride is actually a current pennystock, wish I had invested a whole lot more in it than I did! Started with 1.2Mil shares at $0.0004 back in Sept '07 and got out at $0.017 just last month.  Now I'm back into this stock again for 150K shares at $0.017, hoping for another run up!
Pennystocks are wildly volatile, but great fun when you hit that big winner!

February 25, 2008, 02:11:41 PM
Reply #1


It'w weird, I have a love hate relationship with the stock market.

When I am up, I can hardly wait for the market to open back up, and when I am down will you can take a guess at that one.

But you got to love the market no matter what!!!!

February 26, 2008, 06:26:37 PM
Reply #2

Cody Kemper

STIY (stinger) they make Law Enforcement supplies there a competitor of Taser. I just picked there stock because I work in law enforcement and it was only 0.16 in Dec and I sold it in Jan at 0.86. I only had 1,000 shares but for one of my first picks I was happy.

February 26, 2008, 06:51:57 PM
Reply #3


Okay, I'll share my experience with a memorable lesson from a terrible stock trade that happened to me: 

I bought a 1000 shares stock called PNTC back in 2001-2002 for a little over $1 a share.  I bought based on speculative news from a friend, and as the stock slowly fell he urged me to hold on.  Within a few months it was worth less than .10 cents.  I left for college and I held on with the hope that it would rise.  Eventually, I gave up and sold it in 2005 for .11 cents a share (which it shot up from soon after - ARGH!) 

The lesson:  Do my OWN research!  No matter how smart or knowledgeable a person may seem about a particular stock, I need to know understand the stock myself (or be willing to lose every cent).   Also, I learned that losing money in stocks can be like quicksand.  The longer I wait to react to a losing stock, the harder it is to get out.  I find myself hoping and wishing instead of moving on to make money elsewhere.  So, it helps me to know how much I am willing to risk, and discipline myself to get out of a trade quick if doesn't go the way I expected.

If I continue to learn from this experience, I think it will be an inexpensive and valuable lesson.... ;)


February 26, 2008, 08:15:16 PM
Reply #4


Worst trades ever?  Hell, I can give some of mine from just the past few months:

SYMBL        Avg. PPS paid     Avg. PPS sold      PPS (now)      % loss

FCCN/AERP -   .023                 holding             .0017            92.61%
SWVC -         .063                  holding             .0086            86.35%
PRMC -          .0038                .0015               .0005            60.53%  (would be 86.84% loss today)
MODC -         .0067                .0030               .0070            55.22%  (would be 4.48% gain today)

As always, my conclusions are based on readings from a pile of chicken bones I throw on the ground, so caveat emptor and do your own DD!

February 26, 2008, 10:25:03 PM
Reply #5


I remember i bought 1000 shares of MTTG when it was at 49 cents and not is all the way down to 22cents :( i joined doublingstock and paid a fee and it turned out to be a scam.. good think i found the DOC or else i will be really lost..

February 27, 2008, 01:25:03 PM
Reply #6

Cody Kemper

HAHAHA I signed up for that doublingstock bullshit to for $46.00, I never got the weekly newsletter so after two weeks I called my bank and got my money back. I also had that stock, you honestly had 10min to buy then sell the stock to make any money.

March 04, 2008, 12:49:01 AM
Reply #7


Wow! I also signed up for doubling stocks. After Mttg TTA.V and CHRI , I lost about $1800.00. I am still holding CHRI hoping for a rebound. You're right it is a scam.

March 05, 2008, 07:03:51 PM
Reply #8

Cody Kemper

Honestly call your bank and get your money back who knows maybe you'll still be on there mailing list.

March 14, 2008, 09:42:43 PM
Reply #9


Hello, everyone.  Let's kick off the forums by sharing the best or worst trades we have ever made!  I know I've made a couple of really bad calls in my life, one of them quite recently too!

The one that is fresh in my mind is my last year's ride with BRLC.  Started with 2K shares at $8.24 and finally got out at $1.5.
Lesson learned, no matter how much you like a company or product, don't get attached to a stock!  Be willing to set a point on when to cut out and settle for a loss!

My greatest ride is actually a current pennystock, wish I had invested a whole lot more in it than I did! Started with 1.2Mil shares at $0.0004 back in Sept '07 and got out at $0.017 just last month.  Now I'm back into this stock again for 150K shares at $0.017, hoping for another run up!
Pennystocks are wildly volatile, but great fun when you hit that big winner!

You wouldnt happen to be talking about GSPG would you?  Im waiting patiently with some shares in gspg right now.

March 26, 2008, 06:36:06 PM
Reply #10

Cody Kemper

Yesterday I was gonna buy back into STIY since its been trading at 0,70-0.80 for like 2 monthes so I buy $5,000 worth with a quote at 0.72 market value. Well the order goes thru but at 0.81 so now im kinda screwed. Hahahahaah :D

March 26, 2008, 07:15:41 PM
Reply #11


Yesterday I was gonna buy back into STIY since its been trading at 0,70-0.80 for like 2 monthes so I buy $5,000 worth with a quote at 0.72 market value. Well the order goes thru but at 0.81 so now im kinda screwed. Hahahahaah :D

that hurts, never use marketorders!

March 26, 2008, 10:25:17 PM
Reply #12


I didnt think you were allowed to do a market order on penny stocks?

March 28, 2008, 02:13:12 PM
Reply #13

Cody Kemper

Well thank God only half my order went thru I was gonna buy 10,000 shares until I checked the status any saw patial fill 5,000 at 0.81. I have BoA maybe they do things different I don't know.

March 28, 2008, 02:33:37 PM
Reply #14


hey ming about your BRLC order. i feel sorry but you could file a class action law suite right now to get your money back.

ive bought BRLC at .85 and sold at 1.00........... not bad at 850 shares

ps my new approach at the market is buy companys' that have been hit hard due to missed earnings and search for a bottom and make my move for a rebound