What kind of stock traders have a lounge without a martini bar? Well, I will volunteer to help start it up. Cant promise I will always be here to serve everyone, but I will do my best. In case of my absence, anybody, feel free to step behind the bar.
Rules of the Pennystock Martini Bar:
1. No age limit - if you can trade and get paid, then you can come sit in the shade.
2. To be able to order a drink you must have recently traded a stock for a gain, unfortunately I will only allow you to purchase one drink, after that others must purchase drinks for you. Points added for creatively named drinks. Feel free to share any specifics of the trade, I suggest possible a buy and sell point.
3. No hitting on the opposite sex. Or the same sex for that matter. Mild flirting will be accepted.
4. We have no taxi service, you must call the doc to give you a ride home.
Please continue to add rules as necessary. Hopefully we will be able to get together after work for many, many socials.